A YouTube Tuesday

This is an easy post topic to keep up with consistency. Here are some links to some videos I have been watching on YouTube.

I am kinda starting to get disappointed in the direction that the HBO Game of Thrones series has gone this season. I’m not one to talk much or blog about it, so listen to her instead.


I like playing with Rubik’s Cubes. Solving one isn’t magic–it’s simple algorithms. What this guy does is crazy!


Comic Book Girl 19 has really helped me to rediscover my interests in comic books and film. I love the way she talks about movies.


My good friend, Erin Granat, put together a wonderful birthday poem that she read for her friends at her party. This is art!


Ever wonder what it is like to be in the circus? The Beautiful Tess Emerson gives you some insight:


Important, but BORING!!! Reno City Council Meeting from May 28, 2014


Well that’s about it for YouTube Tuesday. I hope you enjoyed all these videos–except the city council meeting, you won’t enjoy it.






YouTube Tuesday

Today for YouTube Tuesday, here are some videos that I’ve been watching on YouTube:

This first one needs no introduction. I just wanna say that I am really looking forward to this production.

This next video is about something that I have been interested in for a while. It doesn’t really have anything to do with tech, but I like coins, and this is a well put together video about the tragedy of the US Penny.

I’ve written before about The Future of Streaming Online Content and about how quality art will be able to be produced and distributed to a large audience without the need for major corporate network studios. This next video is a perfect example of the new era for online entertainment.

Finally, here is the latest video for one of my favorite independently produced and distributed YouTube shows, comic book girl 19. She talks about some important stuff affecting artists who utilize YouTube as their main distribution platform.